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Friday, April 27, 2007:rubbish
darius is soo sian now.

Dear Mr Time,

Can you fly by faster? I think that u are a slow pok. sooo slow until my grandmother can walk faster than you. can you stop dilly-dallying? you are wasting my precious time. oops sorrie i dun mean to call you by your surname.

so can you at least lift up legs and run faster? nono, lift that leg higher!! yeah, thats the way. make 12am come quickly everyday. transform cinderella back to her old self as many times as possible for all i care.. all i care is for the calendars to turn to 18th june.

when that day comes, please be slower than my grandmother. u can take a rest and sit down and not lift any leg.. reallie.

but as of now, please my brain is like a saturated sponge. please let me vomit and let go all the formulae, numbers, letters, thetas blahh blahh. not that i am very prepared but when the day comes i can assure u that i ll be damn prepared. juz go faster.. tankew!

take care and love u LOADS!!

hahahhahhaha... heez.

anyways, the 2 videos below are clips from My Girl which i watched quite some time ago.. =) it is a damn farnie show. quite like the 2nd video. sometimes you know that IT is not true yet you want to believe. like when friends tell you that if you do this or try that, then something will happen or the test will show something about blah blah.. and u noe that such things are for fun. well no witchcraft or sorcery involved, juz pure belief. and on wad grounds do you believe in such stuff? nothing. hahah.. thats called faith. heez. like for example whenever i sneeze, i will say out loud that someone is scolding me. not that i believe lahh but there is always this possibility rite? and i will feel happy when i sneeze 3 times.. ahhahaha..

hahaha i am talking rubbish!! cant believe it...

enough rubbish! =)


6:51 AM

Thursday, April 26, 2007:my girl 2


7:06 AM

:my girl


7:00 AM

Wednesday, April 25, 2007:new blogskin
boo! haha... hope u guys like my new skin.. err blogskin i mean.. hehehe... that shows how much i rested for the night. hahahha

anw the photos below were taken in prague.
the photos further down were taken in poland.



6:28 AM

:Prague Pics


6:27 AM

Tuesday, April 24, 2007:Poland Pics


5:48 AM

oh mann.. i love slide show creator. well i am uploading some photos now... so i am waiting for them to be uploaded while i am blogging now. the good thing abt it is that instead of uploading the pictures one at a time, the programme waited for me to finish selecting all the pictures before uploading all at one go. cool lahh.. saw it at weilin's blog.. heez.

well, 1st day of school has started! cant wait for exams to end man.. hahhaha. anw revision lectures are a waste of time.. i am not gg to any of them anymore. maybe juz go to 1 on wednesday, see how 1st. cos revision lecture is not a LECTURE at all!!! this morning at 10am, this professor came in and said,"those who have questions please raise up ur hands!" upon hearing this statement, 100 odd students responded. instead of raising up their hands, they just left the lecture theatre. hahah.. i stayed back for awhile to study notes that are not even related to that period... super pissed off. shall wake up much later tmr!! haha.

n i am now having headache again! thats y i have stopped studying.. then did laundry, blogged and put up pictures. haha... i am having headache because i have realised that i cannot sleep IMMEDIATELY after some mugging... and i mean mugging of any intensity.. cannot even use my brain i think.. cos i cant sleep!! my mind is so active that i can think about anything under the sun, err i mean moon... n this has happened for 2 nights straight. not that i am tired now but juz that i get headache... hopefully tonight will be a damn good sleep...

juz finished studying probability and stats. i like the module cos i think it is reallie interesting i did ok but not good enough for the january paper. well, the content of the module is reallie broad so i have to pray hard that the exams will come out EVERYTHING that i know... hahaha.. but anyways, went to re-do the jan paper... realised i made soo many stupid mistakes. as in not careless mistakes but mistakes that i myself will laugh at.. workings that stunned me for a moment. how come i wrote that during test ar? hahahahha... well exam conditions and peaceful albeit with-headaches conditions are reallie different... haiz..

seriously taking an exam or a test is a skill by itself..and more often than not, luck is involved too. and i know that He is there with me all the time. =)


5:30 AM

Saturday, April 21, 2007:dinner
had a little break just now.. played a total of 22 solitaire showdown wif yv. hahah amazing lahh!! heez... then went on to study somemore. den went for super late dinner at gabriel's. seriously think dinner is gg to be later and later cos the sun is setting at 8plus pm now. anw the dinner was splendid! thank you gab! hahaha...

cant believe the 5 of us talked until like 3am! heez... at least a good break from studying lah huh. as we walked back from gab's place, we did the ultimate thing of all-went to sainsbury at 340am!! hahahaha... groceries shopping in the wee hours of the morning. can bet only we these few siao kias will do lo.. hahahha.

den din feel like sleeping. ate pasta. that will be my breakfast and lunch later. ahahha.. and i studied for 1 hr!! hahaha.... yup can prove that studying is sleep-inducing.. me gg to sleep now.. oh! 530am and the sun starts to rise le. now the sky is blue liao lo! ahahha..


12:58 PM

Thursday, April 19, 2007:my bro!!
muahhahaha..... darren is going to be NSF soon!! heez. spent 1 full minute laughing at him when he told me he received the letter le. hahaha. haizz. too bad when i go back singapore, only have about 1 month with u before u kena confined!! heez..

cant wait to touch and caress ur botak head!! muahhahhaha.

this is the effect of studying for exams. darius is crazy.. haha.

and also the stupid construction works which is juz across the road.. ugh!! they have to start work at 8am and stop at 12pm!!?? cant they start later and end later?? dun tell me the sun too hot lo... try working in singapore lahh.. grrrr... me cant even sleep properly.. hahaha. and this is the reason (excuse) i sleep for 10hrs everyday... heez. call me a pig i dun care. 2am-12pm, which is interrupted by occasional music produced from 8am-12pm...

okok stop bitching.. time to study again..


9:15 PM

Wednesday, April 18, 2007:facebook
oh! wanted to say...

facebook is one of the most scariest thing around!


1:28 AM

:no life
felt like blogging for the sake of blogging.. hate the months of april and may for the next 2 yrs too mann... hahhaha.

saw pris' nick on msn.. true muggers dun eat! ahhahah... erm.. shld say true muggers eat alot lo! of snacks that is.

oh exactly 1 more month this time i would be clearing my table and all my notes! either my mood is happy or sad is another thing lahh. heez and 2 months and 1 day left to homebound! whee..

i have internal conflicts now. i want time to fly faster so that i can go home soon and eat up a feast, mahjong, kbox, enjoy the sun, beach blah blah and yet i want time to go slowly for me to study my stuff... hahhaha.... haizzz...


1:19 AM

Monday, April 16, 2007:hdye park
run in hyde park was damn shiok! the greens are all back. people shirtless tanning along the serpentine lake.. chairs erected for the public to sit on to read books and enjoy the beautiful scenery... woke up at 8plus to run with KhA. liked the morning sun and after the run juz din feel like getting out of hyde park to face the notes lying on my table in my room...

after the run, went back to our halls. but along the way walked past the gym and astee wanted to weigh herself. so we went to the gym to weigh ourselves and played with machines... hahaha... 2 people were shocked when the numbers were shown on the machines... shant say who la huh... heez. and 1 acty gained 5kg ever since he/she came to london... but anw cant tell lahh dun worry.. unless u have the weighing machine to show the numbers. ahhaha...

n today's temperature is 26degrees!! woohoo.. like the heat but dun like the stuffiness in my room.. hmm.. maybe i nid to go to argos to buy a fan??!! dunno lahh see how 1st..

okok more notes awaiting me to digest..


12:50 AM

Friday, April 13, 2007:sian-ed
grrr.. i feel like i am studying for my A levels all over again. haha. this time round, all maths. heez.

so far so good lah, everything according to plan. BUT the thing is I get headaches easily now. haiz. 2 headaches in like 4 days? maybe for 2 years plus never mug so hard le... but then again, not that i spend every micro second of my life mugging now too... in fact i thought i was not being too hard to myself. time can be spent finding for food, or juz putting notes aside juz to listen to music or think about stuff or go gym. Yet i can still get headaches. grr.

anyways, now waiting for some other people before we going to watch The Butterfly Effect... if not i spend the whole day in my room i ll go bonkers too. hahhah...

the sun is out finally. the leaves are growing. but darius is stuck in the room mugging... never mind less than a month, it will all be over. and i ll make sure it will be a job well done!

watched IN PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS and STRANGER THAN FICTION last night too.. heez... liked both shows...

the boy in the former show is damn cute. there was this scene where he told his dad this story..

There was once this man who was drowning in the sea. A boat came by and the boatman asked him,"do u need help?" he said "no, God will save me" A 2nd boat came by and the other boatman asked the same question. Yet, the man gave the same answer.

Then, he drowned and was sent to heaven. Once he reached heaven he saw God and asked Him, "why didnt u save me?"

God's reply was "I did! I sent you 2 boats"

hahha... imagine a little boy telling that story. juz hilarious...


5:32 AM

Wednesday, April 11, 2007:the last part of the trip
was too sian to study le. so decided to blog more about my trip.

as continued from before, we had reached prague. went to our hostel to put down our bags and off we went to visit the city. we walked all the way to the main attractions. love the castle, the bridges, the scenery. really loved the place alot. along the main bridge wanted to ask someone to draw a protrait of me. ahahha. anw, off we went to visit the prague castle. the castle was damn big, fairytale-like. we witnessed the change of guards too!! so it was more castles/cathedrals/museums. hahaha. it was a relaxing day. then off we went to the eastern markets and visit the small shops nearby. that was where haojun bought his dead sea salt for baths. hahah.

so after which we were all too sian to continue. so off we went back to our hostel. since we all too shagged, ks and astee slept immediately when we reached. blame the train we took the night before. heez. i went to bathe and at 553pm went to sleep. the amazing thing was i woke up next day at 8am. heez.... only haojun and gabriel went out to walk that night. that was oso when the 2 poor things got approached by prostitutes. ahhaha. yah yah, me is a pig. heez... at least ks and astee woke up at 12am to bathe and read/write some stuff but me slept all the way!! =) after which i juz kept kena suan...

the next day was juz plain klkk-ng. hahha. and by afternoon we went back cos we wanted to go back to the main bridge again that night. so we spent the evening playing german bridge.. until time for us to have dinner. we had chinese food for dinner. it was cheap and alot! ahahha... think the chinese are quite smart to open eateries in europe. the night scene of the bridge was spectacular too. me reallie was in love wif the place. yup... saw my BB senior too... the world is soo small and the thing is the countries that he visited were the same as ours.

the following day, gabriel left us. cos he was gg to norway. and we took a fast train to vienna. astee thought the 3 guys how to play spades. and we juz played for the whole journey. when we reached vienna, went to our hostel. this hostel worbat was quite cheap but super commercialised. oh 1 thing about europe. in some countries or cities like vienna, we took the trains for free... this is because they dun have gantries to stop people from paying before gg in. so we juz walked in and out. heez. so off we went to visit more musems/cathedrals.. the higlight was when we went to the winter palace. it is now a museum illustrating empress sisi.. like those shows u see on tvs, she was married into the royal family but she din like her status, she liked to go to other countries, her husband liked her alot but the love was not reciprocated. she was also a poet... the way she described stuff was quite funny sometimes. like there was this incident, where she was over 30 and she thought that she wasnt pretty anymore. so she wrote in her diary, "my bile is stirred whenever i see eyes gawking at me" hahah... cool way of describing...

by this time, we were all too sian wif musems/cathedrals blah blah.. haha... oh vienna has no night life at all! all shops are closed and finding dinner at night was the worst thing ever... in the end found this cafe... and when we paid for the food, the waiter had to tell us 3 times that the amount had no service charge, aka we nid to pay tips... ahhha. got quite turned off.... but we gave some tips in the end. in fact we gave tips to most of the eateries in austria.. oh and cheehui and kenny shared the same room wif us that night. but they went to bratisclava the following day... so din get to talk to them much oso.. that night e 4 of us played cards again and this time we drank abit too... and we played games and i was always so suay to drink.. haiz... slept wif my heart pumping quite fast... haha.

saw zhixian the day after. and off we went to visit the summer palace and the areas beside it... the setting was reallie nice and it was nice juz walking around. had austrian dinner at a restaurant near our hostel...

so off we went to salzberg leaving xian behind. haha... cos he was to go to some other place to play freesbie. took another train to salzberg. the moment we reached the hostel, went for the sound of music tour. remembered last seeing the movie when i was in primary 5. and i loved it alot. want to watch the movie again... ahhahaha.. oh definitely going to watch the musical if i have the chance... oh and 1 thing that struck me in austria is that they have this teeshirt saying AUSTRIA HAS NO KANGAROOS hahha.. apparently alot of people mistook austria for australia. after the tour, we went to search again but this time in vain for dinner.... so in the end went back to hostel to have dinner there. and we played hearts, german bridge and spades over dinner. ahha...

the last day of our tour, we were all too sian to go visit places. so we went to buy train tickets to klagenfurt for our flight back to london and went back to hostel to catch 1 hour of sound of music the movie... and we have to leave in the middle of the show to catch our train..

so that marks the end of our trip. ahahah a relaxing trip i must say....

but now i am not relaxed! heez. photos coming up when i have the time...


3:09 AM

Sunday, April 08, 2007:back in london
Darius is back in London. In fact, for a few days already.

I have been transformed to be a full-time mugger now. hahaha. in exactly 1 month's time, my exams will start. woohoo. haha.

anyways, back to my trip. in my previous post, i ended at day 2. ahha.

okok. so i was still in poland. on the 3rd day, we took a bus up to zakopane. it is a small town for skiing. the mountains were really nice and the snow has not melted yet. the snow caps on the mountains and the coniferous trees were really capitvating. we took a cable car up to the top and saw people skiing around. we juz walked on the mountains. damn cool!

when we went back to our hostel, thought we would have the whole 10-men hostel to ourselves. but suddenly this polish guy came in and stayed in our room. the reason as to y he came to stay in the hostel- he argued with the girls at home. muahhaha. left the house and stayed in the hostel for a night. haha.

the next day was a much more solemn one. we went to auschwitz camp. it was the concentration camp which the Nazis used in WWII. millions of people were sent to the camps to work as slaves or gassed in gas chambers. even toilets can be used as places for the people to be killed. they would be pushed into the holes and drowned in their own poo and urine. how sick could it get right? and polish winters are super cold, so ya u get my drift. felt damn sad when i saw the railway track. cos there was this track which led all the way into the camp. imagine yourself being pushed into the train and led into the camp and never stepped out of the camp anymore but to heaven. the thought juz saddened me. then we went on to another camp nearby. the entrance wrote in German "Work makes me free". but those slaves were never made free. what an irony! they had a collection of the victims' belongings stored for people to view. when i saw all the suitcases identified by their own names, i juz felt damn low. all of the victims were allowed 1 suitcase each into the camp and before they were gassed, they were lied that they were taking a bath and so they should label their suitcases for easy identification after the bath. but the suitcases were never meant to be collected. haiz.

after the trip, went to back to our hostel. since it was still early, as we were catching an overnight train to prague, we stayed in the hostel to play bridge. went for our last dinner in poland. had polish dumplings, goulash, dessert. it was super duper full, cos we wanted to use up all our polish money anyways... polish dumplings are super nice.

took an overnight train to prague. 5 of us squeezed in this 6men room in the train with beds. it was super cramped that we could not even sit upright so basically i juz lied down for the whole trip. oh, one thing. the officers ALL will stare at the red passports. dunno y oso. they would take super long, and inspect the whole passport before chopping the stamp. dunno y oso. and the funny thing is that my passport has a yellow cover and the inspector din even bother to take time to inspect my passport. heez. we concluded it ist he colourof the passport. hahhaa.

okok. have to stop here for now. going to church liaoz.

happy easters!!!


6:00 PM

darius tan
mjs, vs, vjc, ic
soon-to-be mathematics teacher
hopes to eat less, sleep more, exercise more, have a better relationship wif God and people around me, study and play harder



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