roaarrr... me is pissed off now. it is all because the stupid internet provider that my household uses is currently UNDER MAINTAINENCE. and the best thing is the internet provider did not even inform us of this SUPER BIG INCONVENIENCE. roaarrrr.. ahhaha.
anyways, blog about happier stuff. haha. ermm... went to Nice and Monaco over the weekend with my household.
3am: left the house
315am: took the bus to the national coach station
4am: took the coach to bring us to the airport
5am: reach the airport
7am: took the plane.
basically i was super zonked for the whole Saturday because i only managed to catch some sleep in the coach and the 2hr flight. ahha but ok lahh. weekend trips are always like that. upon reaching Nice, the custom officers need to check with our passports. we were all puzzled. but one thing is for sure. if u have the biometric passport, u will meet with much less inconvenience and it is much faster to clear the custom. basically, we realised later that it is their custom to check Asian passports. i also dunno why.
Upon reaching this hostel which doesnt even deserve the 2star rating (but it is cheap lah), we put down our stuff and took a train to monaco. Monaco is the 2nd smallest independent country... but the weather dampened pur spirits. cos it was raining. the rain plus the fatigue that we had propelled us to go back to Nice at 5pm and we din tour much too.
but on sunday, it was super sunny and hot! my favourite kind of weather! and Nice is famous for her beach. the sun and the beach is a super welcoming combination for tourists like me. the water is super clear and i felt like jumping into the sea. roarrr wanted to put up pictures. but i am in school blogging now at 7pm, so no pictures for now. haha.
it was quite a refreshing and relaxing weekend.
wanna mention i just finished MARS VS VENUS! hahaha. well, yes yes, i know i am super slow. cos it was shown on channel 8 last yr november but sorry lahh, poor me dun get to watch such shows here u know? hahaha. anyways, this is the 1st singaporean show (or channel 8 show for the matter) that makes me superglued to my laptop. hahah thanks to astee's mum. cos she taped the show and sent it over to astee for her to watch. then astee was saying that the show was very nice so i decided to watch lo.
i really like it alot! it follows the korean drama formula actually. the 1st few episodes are super farnie and then the serious and emotional stuff come later. the show is about sterotypes between the 2 genders and about the common problems where couples faced. i was laughing alot cos the stereotypes were so exaggerating until they are funny. haahah.
the stereotypes are like a guy farts an average of 12times a day and a girl, 8. or, a guy speaks an average of 2000-3000 words a day while a girl, 6000-8000. hahhaha... anyways, ya kudos to the show! hope they will garner alot of awards this yr during star awards. shit!! i sound super auntie here but i dun care. hahahaa.
and the boy wenwen is sooo cute!! i want to have a son that is like him!! hahahaah.. :)
and heres to all my friends who are currently taking their exams, JIAYOUUU!!! the xmas break is coming reallyyyyy soon!! =p
oh haha. super excited cos i am gg back to singapore in march!! and if nothing goes wrong, i will be back for 6 weeks!! ahhaha.. going to pon the 1st week of useless lessons and stay in singapore to study for my exams. heez. dunno why i din have that feeling last year. maybe because at the start of this term, i discussed wif my parents about me coming back. but thats not before my december hols!
quite excited yet scared cos going skiing. think this should be once-in-a-lifetime experience bah. so gg to enjoy it! =p
hahaha.. somehow glad that my house's internet is down cos i came to school so i have the incentive to spend more time in front of my com now and so i am blogging alot lo. hahahah..
3:07 AM
ok. after a relatively long hiatus, i have decided to blog. there are many things on my mind that i really like to blog about and so i hope that i will be able to list everything down.
the weather is turning cold and winter has officially started. i can stand the cold but i cant stand the wind. the wind is really a pain in the ass. hahah and not to mention the weather in London is not exactly that fantastic. the only thing that i like about the cold is everynight when i cuddle myself under my thick thick duvet and sleep. hahaha really warm and comfortable.
jevon came over for the weekend and he stayed over at my place. i was quite excited cos this is the 1st time ever since i came to London last year that we meet up in Europe. haha. well, DSTA sponsored him money to come to London for the talk organised by PSC. the talk was by singaporeans and for singaporeans to update us about the landscape in singapore. well, the crux of it is that the fertilty rate in Singapore is mediocre and hence we should do something about it. i think the underline meaning of it is also to remind the singaporeans of their roots and to go back to Singapore after our studies or a few years of working experience here. i really like the opinions given by Mr (or Dr?) Lim Siong Guan , chairman of EDB. he is really frank and outright about the policies and way Singapore does things. of course he was so frank about the whole thing that i dun think i can blog about what he said during the talk.
which reminds me. i was helping out this korean friend of mine, Handoo at the library. then we were talking for awhile. i was stunned when he asked me this question
" i heard that there is dictatorship in singapore and singapore is owned by this family. is it true?"
stunned. shocked. loss of words for a few moments. whoever has been feeding the foreigners such distorted facts should be shot. how can we feed others the wrong information? haizz...
i have forgotten where i have heard this joke from. but it is about chemists, physicists and mathematicians.
once, there was this 3-storey house and it was owned by a chemist, physicist and the mathematician. Each stays on different storey. one day, a fire broke out. the chemist woke up, saw the fire, took the fire extinguisher and sprayed the contents
in excess. the physicist woke up, sat down at the table and calculated the angle and the force applied to the fire extinguisher so as to maximise the effort of putting out the fire. he got the results, and put out the fire, proud of himself and went back to sleep. the mathematician woke up, saw the fire, then the fire extinguisher, told himself that there is a solution to the problem and went back to sleep.
hahaha... make fun of mathematicians. sighz... hahaha.
anyways, i realised some stuff about myself. lets talk about food. i realise that i am quite resistant to changes. i can go to the same eatery and order the same dishes all the time once i find them nice. take for example, ben's cookies. there are so many flavours and types which i have not tried before. but if i were to choose just one, there is a very high chance that i will choose the triple chocolate one. is this called 专一? ahahha.. i dont know either. maybe like what daryl said, that means i am not very good with goodbyes.
another thing about me is that i like to use my heart more than my head. of cos not in times of tests and exams lah, if not i will surely die one. hahaha. for instance, i see this thing that it is really really nice. it is white in colour. i like it alot. i know it can be/will get dirty in the end but i will still buy it and own it in the end. most of the time it cannot even be considered a struggle. hahaha... i just buy it. heeez.
hahaah these sound really random but at least these are really some of my thoughts.
4:32 AM

These are just some random photos i took in Thorpe Park. hahhahahha... really impressed by thrope park especially by the facilities for the wheelchair bound people. they have the opportunity to sit the rides too..
6:42 AM
in school now waiting for my lesson to start at 3.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocioushahah is this the longest word? anyway, went to watch the musical Mary Poppins on Wednesday. It is really a pity that they are ending their performance by mid january. it is a really colourful and magical performance. I was personally swept away by the dance steps. there was tap dancing too! dunno why i like tap dancing so much now. still haven gotten my shoes. damnn! ahhaha...
half of a term has gone le. time flies isnt it? dunno why but i feel jaded le. maybe yr 2 in london le. i have fallen into equilibrium and hence me is soo jaded. i cant believe that i am counting the weeks every now and then. ya week 6 is coming to an end. i need a holiday sooN! a good thing my december holidays are filled with activities and i hope that it will be fun.
another thing about this year is that i have been drawn sooo much closer to God. like to thank the people around me who are christians for encouraging me unknowingly. hahahah. really learn alot and i hope that i am prepared and ready to take the next step of christianity. i am learning too! hahahaha.
cant believe i am staring at this site for the past 10min and not typing anything.. ahhahah too tired lahh. last night came back quite late from weiming's bday celebration...
roarrr okie gg for the last 2 hours of lesson for the week!!
week 6 is coming to an end. :)
10:27 PM
damn tired now. juz finished bathing and i have to blog about today, if not i will forget.
went to thorpe park today. it is an amusement park.. yeah! and i did 7 extreme rides (thats wad they call it). it felt like i committed suicide 7times. hahahha... the 1st station that I did was RUSH. it was something like a super big swing and it will swing you up and down a few times with the maximum height is super duper high. the seat wasnt exactly that tight so when we reached the maximum height our butts left the seats. it was superrrr scary. it is the only station that is scarier than it looks. my legs were wobbly after the ride.
after that, we went to all kinds of roller coaster. trained by the 1st station, the other stations were not that scary liao... hahahaha. shall let you all see the pics some other time.
the last station that we did called the Stealth was another classic. i waited for 2hrs for the 15sec ride. this super short ride was the highlight of Thorpe park. the roller coaster will accelerate from 0km/h to 160km/h in 2.3sec and bring you to the height of 205feet. the acceleration was scarryyyyy but after the whole thing, i juz felt damn shiok.
Happy Guy's Fawkes Day!
Remember remember the 5th of november!!
8:43 AM