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Monday, September 25, 2006:4 more days
each day just passed by soooo fast. went to make a new pair of specs this morning. think i look intellectual. hahhaha. then went to meet duane n gy for lunch at j8's fei cui. thanks for having lunch with me. these 2 guys are my best frenz from army. :)

went into bishan library for the 1st time. the library was sooo noisy. so many students came in to study for their end-of -yr exams but they juz kept on yakking non-stop. haizzz. students nowadays.

oh! on 29th i will be at the airport at ard 830pm and i will go in at ard 1030 bah. if u guys can make it to see me off i really appreciate that u will be there. :)

can people stop saying they feel sad, cos i will feel sad too? haizzzz.


11:16 PM

darius tan
mjs, vs, vjc, ic
soon-to-be mathematics teacher
hopes to eat less, sleep more, exercise more, have a better relationship wif God and people around me, study and play harder



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