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Wednesday, February 20, 2008:random entry
hahahahha... i cannot stop laughing now.

please ignore my last entry. it was an emo entry written in the heat of the moment and no i did not lose my virginity! hahahha. sorrie to frenz out there who have been speculating and thinking about it. it is nothing serious reallie. =p

anyways, today in afternoon lecture, i was sooo drained that i was just like a robot copying my notes. i wasnt physically tired and so i could not sleep then. that kind of feeling sucks. it was in fact the 1st time when i wanted to go to the gym to run to wake myself up, which i did!

was doing my coursework on sunday. spent the whole day literally to try and solve a 12-mark question. by evening i was quite demoralised already with all the chunks of messy equations. clarice was looking at my working and then i just said

reallie hate all those ugly things (referring to the ugly maths workings), thats why i cant possibly hate myself.

ahhahaha... oh! i am stuck at www.viwawa.com. hahha... it has online mahjong! for someone in london now whose hands get itchy quite often, online mahjong is there for me!! muahahha....

cant wait for this term to end. singapore here i come!!


1:25 AM

darius tan
mjs, vs, vjc, ic
soon-to-be mathematics teacher
hopes to eat less, sleep more, exercise more, have a better relationship wif God and people around me, study and play harder



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